The Big Paint - Wanganui
On 17 Sept, I visited Wanganui to participate in 'The Big Paint', a painting event conceived and organised by Felicity Priest as part of The Real Whanganui Festival. Francis Sim-Higgins and John Singleton were co-organisers. 100 artists came to Majestic Square, each to paint a designated section of a beautiful time-lapse photograph of the Sarjeant Gallery with Mt Ruapehu behind, taken by Leigh Mitchell-Anyon. At the end of the day, the 'jigsaw' was assembled on the Wall of the Memorial Hall to create a huge and quite amazing painting 7.5 x 5 metres large. See the link below for images:
My section of the artwork is immediately right of the front door of the Gallery. The event was a great idea and rewarding to be a part of.